Heptacodium miconioides 10-20' × 8-10'. Small showy shrub bears sweetly fragrant flowers in late summer when no other trees are in bloom. Bees love it! Z4/5.
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Calycanthus floridus 6-10' x 6-12'. Beautiful native shrub with dark burgundy-maroon flowers and shiny leaves. Blooms early, flowers through summer. Highly fragrant. Z4/5.
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Prunus maritima 6' × 5-6'. Rounded dense suckering shrub found along ocean beaches. Showy white blooms in spring. Edible plums in late summer. Plant two for fruit. Z3.
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Halesia carolina 20-40' × 15-30'. Small tree or large multi-stemmed shrub. Edible flowers and fruit. Beautiful addition to woodland gardens! Native to Appalachia. Z4.
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Prunus glandulosa 5-6' x 3-4'. An early spring spectacle of pink double flowers. Branches are nearly covered with the impressive blooms ranging all shades of pink. Z4.
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Rubus odoratus 3-6' x 6-12' Relative of the cultivated raspberry, with fragrant flowers and nutritious fruit. Thornless, long-blooming, attractive to pollinators. Excellent addition to wildlife hedges. Z4.
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Forsythia 6-8' x 5-7'. One of the earliest cultivars to flower in spring. Outstanding golden-yellow flowers. Upright form. Hardy and dependable. Z3.
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Crataegus phaenopyrum 15-20' x 12-20'. Shrubby thorny low-branching dense tree. Used for centuries as a circulatory and cardiovascular tonic herb. Z4.
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Erica carnea 6-12" X 12-18" Profuse blooms in very early spring through April with repeat blooms in August. Foliage is more ferny and wispier than heathers. Plant en masse for a magical carpet. Z4/5.
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Calluna vulgaris 8x12" Lilac-pink double flowers are unusual for a heather. Stunning among rocks, where its long low-growing stems can drape. Foliage is dark green, turning bronze in winter. Later bloomer. Z3.
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Diervilla lonicera 2-4' x 2-5'. Clusters of yellow tubular flowers attract pollinators. Lustrous green leaves emerge with a hint of bronze. Good for erosion control. Z3.
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Hydrangea macrophylla 4-6' × same. A standout hydrangea with remarkably blue florets. Blooms June through August. Z5.
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Magnolia virginiana 10-20' x same. Fragrant creamy white 2”3" waxy blossoms in mid-spring sometimes rebloom in mid-summer. Pink fruits adorn the tree in fall. Tolerates clay and air pollution. Z5.
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Philadelphus lewisii 4-5' x 3-4' Medium-sized loosely arching ornamental blooming shrub. A “blizzard” of sweet citrusy fragrance from white blossoms in late spring. Z3.
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Amelanchier laevis 15-25'. Leaves of this understory tree unfold purplish-orange bronzed color in spring. Pendulous white blossoms. Berries ripen midsummer. Z2.
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Symphoricarpos albus 5-6' x same. Wildlife and medicinal shrub native to eastern U.S. is quite beautiful all season. Berries are insipid to humans but adored by birds. Easy to grow and adaptable to most conditions. Z3.
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Spiraea tomentosa 2-4' x same. Adorable little plant. Rosy pink steeples emerge as terminal spikes about 4–6" tall. Easy to grow. A must for every butterfly garden. Z3.
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Rhus aromatica 5-6' x 6-8'. Leaves emit a pleasing aroma when crushed. Phenomenal fall colors. Adaptable and easy to transplant. Useful in erosion control. Native to eastern U.S. Z3.
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Clethra alnifolia 4-5' x same. Red buds and beautiful spires of heavenly scented deep-pink flowers appear for 6 weeks in midsummer. Erect oval habit. Native. Z3.
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Ilex verticillata Bright-red berries stand out through the winter, providing late-spring forage for birds. A staple of the Maine landscape. Unsexed seedlings, plant several for berries. Z4.
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Gaultheria procumbens 6-10". Aromatic evergreen native groundcover. Glossy dark green leaves. Bell-shaped white flowers in June. Vivid red berries. Self-pollinating. Z3.
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Hamamelis virginiana 8-20' x same. Small fall-flowering tree or large shrub. Brilliant golden-yellow fall color. Quirky yellow flowers in early to mid November. Z3.
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