‘Jimmy Dyce’ Heather


‘Jimmy Dyce’ Heather

Calluna vulgaris 8x12" Foxhollow Nursery intro, Surrey, England.

Lilac-pink double flowers are unusual for a heather. While we tend to go for bee-friendly single blossoms, there’s nothing wrong with a few frilly indulgences here and there. This heather is stunning among rocks, where its long low-growing stems can drape. Foliage is dark green, turning bronze in winter. Later bloomer. Cultivated from a wild specimen found on the Winterton Dunes in Norfolk by J.W. Dyce in 1971 while he was out hunting for ferns. Z3. NEW! (4" pots)

7588 ‘Jimmy Dyce’

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Plant about 18" apart each way and let it spread. Does not tolerate wet spots like cranberries and blueberries.

For more info:
About Heather


You’ll find more groundcovers, like Canadian wild ginger, thyme, geranium and arnica, with the herbaceous perennials.