Beach Plum


Beach Plum

bare-root plants
Prunus maritima 6' × 5-6'. Rounded dense suckering shrub found along ocean beaches, New Brunswick to the Carolinas.

In spring beautiful showy white blooms cover the dark branches. Purplish-red (or occasionally orange-yellow in some specimens) ½–1" fruit in late summer. Excellent jams, sauces and especially jelly. Easier to grow than dessert and culinary plums and some seedlings have surprisingly good fruit for fresh eating.

Although typically found growing naturally in poor sandy soils, the plants thrive in well-drained fertile soils with a pH of 6–6.5. Additional fertilization will increase productivity. We suggest an annual 5-gallon bucket or two of compost per plant. Prune to maintain an open center for good light penetration, or train as more of a single-stemmed dwarf tree. Plant about 5' apart. Pollination requirements are uncertain— we recommend planting at least two for good fruiting. Salt tolerant! Native to eastern North America. Z3. Maine Grown. (bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7549 Beach Plum

A: 1 1-3' tree
B: 1 6-12" tree;

Additional Information

Small Trees and Shrubs

As Green’s Nursery catalog from 1904 explains, “There are many trees that by pruning can be made to resemble shrubs, and many shrubs that by different pruning may be made to produce medium-sized trees.”