Court Pendu Plat Apple


Court Pendu Plat Apple

Malus spp. Fall. Ancient French dessert apple first recorded in 1613 but thought to have been grown as far back as the Roman Empire.

High flavor, unusual shape, hardiness and disease resistance—no wonder this apple’s been cultivated for centuries. The flesh is dense and dry with a satisfying crunch and a strong fruity sweet-tart flavor. Light green fruits with red blush and orange russet appear squashed down, with the short stem set in a deep cavity and an equally gaping calyx basin on the flip side. Flavor develops in storage; keeps till midwinter. The name translates to something like ‘short, flat and stumpy.’ Nicknamed Wise Apple for its strategy of blooming late to avoid frost damage.

Cold hardy, productive and resistant to scab. Partial tip-bearer. Blooms late. Z4. NEW! (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

7218 Court Pendu Plat
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7218 A: on standard stock, 1 for $38.50
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Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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