You are viewing all Fedco Seeds products related to “5 - Multinat'ls using GE.”
Glebionis coronaria (40 days) Open-pollinated. Japanese Shungiku prized for small grey-green leaves and 5" yellow flowers, both edible. Sow in spring.
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Brassica rapa (37 days) Open-pollinated. Produces many pencil-thick deep purple flowering shoots with pleasing mild mustard flavor. Grows best in cool weather.
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Brassica rapa (45 days) Open-pollinated. Slow-growing 8-10" deep purple rounded leaves stand beautifully, and are mild and delectable all the way through the season.
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Brassica rapa (pekinensis group) (35 days) Open-pollinated. Loose round chartreuse leaves, flat white stems, and blossoms, all edible. Can be cut small for mesclun. Fair bolt tolerance.
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Brassica oleracea (45-60 days) F-1 hybrid. Also called Chinese Broccoli. Grown for succulent stems, leaves and florets. Uses and flavor similar to broccoli. Tolerant to heat and cold.
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Brassica rapa (chinensis group) (20 days baby, 45 days full size) Open-pollinated. Lettucy pale green ruffled leaves. Mild, sweet. Will re-grow after cuttings. Cold hardy.
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Brassica juncea (20 days baby, 40 days mature) Open-pollinated. Light golden-green leaves are curled and lacy, adds lift to salad mixes. Mustardy zing. Resists bolting in heat.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (62 days) Open-pollinated. Slender straight 4-5" purple pods. Upright medium-sized plant. Light brown seed.
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Phaseolus lunatus (103 days) Open-pollinated. 18" tall. 3 tender beans per pod, grey in the shell stage and drying to buff with purple and black mottling. White flowers.
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Phaseolus lunatus (106 days) Open-pollinated. 8" pods, dependably produces at least four large creamy white seeds per pod. Vines can grow 10'.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (68 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom bears 7-9" pods with nutty flavor. Very productive. Excellent for freezing. Brown seed.
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Phaseolus coccineus (70 days) Open-pollinated. 10-12' tall. Mottled black and purple seeds. Ornamental brilliant scarlet blossoms. Snap or shell bean.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (68 days shell) Open-pollinated. Heirloom shell bean is buff with red stripes. Also known as Speckled Bays.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Grown for greens, not roots. Large glossy reddish-purple leaves. Holds quality in summer but best in fall and under winter cover.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Selection from heirloom. Light red exterior; interior rings of pink and white. Green tops. Exceptional sweetness.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Uniform globular smooth red beet. Tender interior with deep red flesh. A favorite of home gardeners and canners.
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Beta vulgaris (50 days) F-1 hybrid. Refined uniform Early Wonder-type red beet with purple tops. Excellent flavor. Market-grower favorite. Bestseller.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Refined round golden beet. Dependable germination. Excellent flavor. Bestseller.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (62 days) F-1 hybrid. Consistent 6–8" high-domed heads with gorgeous blue-green beads. Resilient variety developed for growers in the Northeast.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (90 days) F-1 hybrid. Late-summer to fall, delivers a dark green semi-domed 6-8" head with medium-small tight bead. Abundant side shoots, good heat tolerance.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (94 days) F-1 hybrid. Large deep green heads are finely beaded, high domed with no lobing. Amazing resilience and crazy-weather tolerance.
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Brassica oleracea (capitata group) (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Deep purple-red rock-hard round heads avg 4-6 lb. Excellent for long storage. Very cold hardy.
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Daucus carota (68 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. High-quality 6-7" bright orange carrot. Sweet flavor with small dark core. Bestseller.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Flowering stick type cauli with fine-textured curd. Florets extend into a single-serve branch to be harvested individually. Delicate Japanese beauty.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Reliable producer of uniform 6-7" white heads. Probably the easiest cauli to grow.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (93 days) F-1 hybrid. Very large upright plants set dense 2-4 lb attractive white domed heads. Tender with very good flavor.
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Cucumis sativus (57 days) F-1 hybrid. Uniform blocky straight dark green fruit with white spines. Very small seed cavity. Widely adapted.
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Cucumis sativus (66 days) F-1 hybrid. 8-8.5" uniform straight dark green fruit with white spines. Very productive.
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Cucumis sativus (63 days) Open-pollinated. Classic slicer for the Northeast. Dark green 8-8.5" uniform fruits. Vigorous throughout the season.
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Solanum melongena (79 days) F-1 hybrid. Shiny 7" bulging oval fruits avg 0.9 lb. Good flavor. Vigorous high-yielder suitable for both greenhouse and open-field.
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Solanum melongena (60 days) F-1 hybrid. This high-yielding hybrid version of Asian-type Pingtung Long produces 14"-long, 1½"-thick fruits with mild tender flesh.
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Solanum melongena (51 days) F-1 hybrid. Glossy purple-black 1.75x7" elongated Asian-type. Not as bitter as larger eggplants. Very early.
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Tagetes erecta (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Fully double 4" pompon blooms in gold, orange and yellow. Perfect for stringing into garlands. Early to bloom, 18" tall.
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Plectranthus scutellarioides (45 days) Open-pollinated. Leaves are a resplendent kaleidoscope of twelve colors. Shade. 10-12" tall.
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Coreopsis grandiflora Open-pollinated. Dense 18" plants loaded with 2" semi-double vivid golden-yellow blooms.
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Cosmos bipinnatus Open-pollinated. Dark maroon semi- to fully double with lightly picoteed edge. 2-3' tall.
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Cosmos bipinnatus (100-120 days) Open-pollinated. Puffy double and semi-doubles in pink, plum and white. 4' tall.
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Gazania rigens Open-pollinated. Singles in bronze, orange, yellow, mauve, white and sepia with yellow centers. 8-10" tall.
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Hibiscus moscheutos Open-pollinated. Perennial, Zones 5-9. 6-8" saucer-shaped flowers in a mix of pinks, red and white, with contrasting red eyes where a contrast is to be had.
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Impatiens wallerana F-1 hybrid. Lavender, fuchsia, violet and cantaloupe-colored flowers. 8-10" plants.
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Pennisetum glaucum (120 days) Open-pollinated. Ornamental grass with deep-purple foliage and large purple seed spikes. Popular in arrangements. 3-5' tall.
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Viola x wittrockiana Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 6. Heart-shaped leaves on mounded 4-6" plants covered with 3" mostly bicolor flowers, with darker whiskers and yellow eyes.
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Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Bluish-purple flowers. Wave Series petunias are excellent for landscaping and show extreme drought tolerance.
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Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Very pale purple rather than silver, with darker purple veining. 2002 AAS. Part of the Wave Series.
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Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Wave Series petunias are excellent for landscaping and show extreme drought tolerance.
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Salvia splendens (70-85 days) Open-pollinated. Glowing red tubular flowers grow along spikes on a big bushy low-maintenance shrub-like plant. Pollinators love them. 24" tall.
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Antirrhinum majus (110 days) F-1 hybrid. A marvelous assembly of our favorite pinks and purples from the Potomac Snapdragon series. All colors mature at the same time and have impressively sturdy stems and a long vase life.
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Antirrhinum majus (120 days) F-1 hybrid. Long stems and vibrant colors: pink, red, yellow, orange, white and orchid on 2-3' plants. Ideal for cutting. Lasts 5-8 days.
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Matthiola incana Open-pollinated. Fragrant mix of pink, lavender, red, rose, peach, yellow, copper and white bred for larger flowers and early bloom. Sturdy, well-branched. 15-20".
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Beta vulgaris (59 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Crimson stalks and dark green leaves. Hardy.
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Beta vulgaris (56 full size; 30 days baby leaf) Open-pollinated. Much like Fordhook, except it’s more compact, deeply savoyed, more uniform and with a narrower stem. Long harvest window.
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Ocimum basilicum (70 days) Open-pollinated. Impressive yields from shapely plants well suited to pots or the field. Classic sweet Genovese flavor and a marvelously potent aroma. Resists powdery mildew.
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Ocimum basilicum (55 days) Open-pollinated. Bright, lemony and fragrant. Upright, mounded plants doesn’t get leggy. Delightful in salads, teas, desserts, marinades, lemonade and more.
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Ocimum basilicum (65 days) F-1 hybrid. Purple ruffled leaf basil with swooning aroma of allspice, nutmeg and light musk. 12-14" stature and well-branched uniform habit.
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Ocimum basilicum (70 days) Open-pollinated. The heaviest-yielding variety, recommended for drying, all-around great eating, and large-scale pesto production.
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Anethum graveolens (55 days) Open-pollinated. A dwarf variety suitable for small gardens or patio containers, multi-branching plants spread 18-24".
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Arctium lappa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Standard Japanese variety. Thin 1-2' long mild earthy root for stir-fries, soups and herbal medicine. Can be dug in spring with parsnips.
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Brassica rapa (50 days) F-1 hybrid. Smooth round pure white bunching turnip with delicate sweet flavor and crisp tender texture. Compares to and exceeds Hakurei Turnip.
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Capsicum annuum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Sweet when green (usually), slightly hot when fully ripe and red. 1x3½" at maturity.
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Capsicum annuum (70 days green, 90 days red ripe) F-1 hybrid. Juicy, blocky, thick-walled jalapeños with the right amount of spice.
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Capsicum annuum (64 days green, 80 days red ripe) F-1 hybrid. Uniform glossy dark red fruits are mostly 2-lobed, flattened and tapering with a recessed stem. Known as Poblano when green.
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Capsicum annuum (72 days) F-1 hybrid. Red stout blocky 12-14 oz bell. Thick-walled, juicy, delicious and hefty. Superb yields.
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Capsicum annuum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Red thin-walled bell peppers, not consistently blocky. Easy to grow. Consistently early. Good for home gardens.
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Raphanus sativus (25 days) Open-pollinated. Bunching radish color mix. Includes pink, purple, red, violet and white. Bestseller.
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Raphanus sativus (26 days) Open-pollinated. French heirloom. Medium-sized olive-shaped scarlet-red radish with a pure white tip.
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Raphanus sativus (50 days) F-1 hybrid. Bluish-purple skin and greenish-purple shoulders. Interior white ringed deep purple with streaks and a purple sunburst core.
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Raphanus sativus (26 days) F-1 hybrid. Very uniform round scarlet-red radish with crisp sweet mildly tangy white flesh. Maintains high quality in heat.
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Raphanus sativus (25 days) Open-pollinated. ¾" diameter smooth-skinned red bunching radish. Firm white flesh.
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Cucurbita pepo (51 days) F-1 hybrid. Deep-yellow zuke with open plant habit and reduced occurrence of green ends. Pick at 6–8".
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Solanum lycopersicum (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Vibrant orange, remarkably sweet and juicy 15g fruits crack slightly more than other grapes, but glorious flavor and tender skins more than make up for it.
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Solanum lycopersicum (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Plants flower continuously and set fruit throughout the season for abundant harvests of delicious 15–22g shiny red grape tomatoes. Great in the field and a good choice for containers.
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Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Gorgeous deep rose large 20-30g cherry. Slowly ripens from pink to deep rose with matte finish. Low-acid, tasty, mellow.
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Cucurbita moschata (104 days) F-1 hybrid. Full running vines yield a ton of uniform tan 2-3 lb fruits. Smooth semi-dry texture and medium nutty sweetness hold in storage. Disease resistant.
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Cucurbita maxima (88 days) F-1 hybrid. Kabocha-Buttercup cross. Large grey-green drum-shaped fruit with rounded shoulders. No cup on the blossom end. Excellent flavor.
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