ships year-round
Black Coco - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (60 days shell, 85 days dry) Open-pollinated. 2' plants set abundant 5" round pods of plump shiny black beans. Can be harvested as a shell bean. Dry pods resist shattering, yet are easy to shell. read more


ships year-round
Black Turtle - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (102 days) Open-pollinated. Small black beans. An improved upright bush version of the heirloom. Excellent flavor. read more


ships year-round
Brown Resilient - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (100 days) Open-pollinated. Productive brown dry bean with rich meaty flavor that can stand alone in dishes. read more


ships year-round
Calypso - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (90 days) Open-pollinated. Produces 4-5 beautiful black-and-white beans per pod, with a texture similar to Yellow Eye. Doubles in size when cooked. read more


ships year-round
Fast Lady Northern Southern Pea - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

unavailable, no new supply coming
Vigna unguiculata (65 days shell, 90 days dry) Open-pollinated. Cowpeas for the North! Small white bean matures quickly. Easy-to-pick yellow pods. Beautiful yellow flowers on bushy semi-erect plants. read more


ships year-round
Gaucho - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. Compact gold bush bean with full-bodied rich flavor and high yields. Dries down quickly. read more


ships year-round
Jacob’s Cattle
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. Kidney-shaped bean with dark red speckles on white background. Popular New England heirloom. read more


ships year-round
Kenearly - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Plump oval medium-sized bean, cream with a yellow eye. Very similar to Maine Yellow Eye. read more


ships year-round
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Plump oval medium-sized bean, cream with a yellow eye. Very similar to Maine Yellow Eye. read more


ships year-round
King of the Early - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (85 days) Open-pollinated. Mottled red baking bean. Easy and dependable, with heavy yields. Maine family heirloom. read more


ships year-round
King of the Early
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (85 days) Open-pollinated. Mottled red baking bean. Easy and dependable, with heavy yields. Maine family heirloom. read more


ships year-round
Limelight - ECO
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris
(60 days shell, 85 days dry) Open-pollinated. A versatile variety, excellent both as a shell and a dry bean. Plants benefit... read more


ships year-round
Limelight Dry Bean - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

not available yet, check back later
Phaseolus vulgaris (60 days shell, 85 days dry) Open-pollinated. Similar in shape, color and taste to baby limas, except much easier to grow in our climate and sweeter with a buttery texture. Excellent both as a shell and a dry bean. read more


ships year-round
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (86 days) Open-pollinated. Richly flavored heirloom brown baking bean that is well adapted to our cool climate. Golden-tan seed. read more


ships year-round
Marfax - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (86 days) Open-pollinated. Richly flavored heirloom brown baking bean that is well adapted to our cool climate. Golden-tan seed. read more


ships year-round
PB&J Nebula Gene Pool
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Dubbed “weirdo beans,” by the student seed keepers at Troy Howard Middle School, these glorious mutts spin out a ragtag rainbow of patterns, habits and ancestral forms. read more


ships year-round
Quincy Pinto - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (106 days) Open-pollinated. Large speckled tan beans with good yields, even in stressful conditions. Creamy texture for great comfort food. read more


ships year-round
Red Kidney - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (102 days) Open-pollinated. Early maturing light-red kidney bean. read more


ships year-round
Saturday Night Special - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (105 days) Open-pollinated. Small pure-white pea bean is early, impressively productive and cooks well. read more


ships year-round
Silver Cloud Cannellini - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

not available yet, check back later
Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days shell, 90 days dry) Open-pollinated. White Cannellini bean. 5-6" short fat pods contain 5 plump seeds. Excellent flavor. read more


ships year-round
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Large white kidney bean with red-brown soldier-like figures on the eye. Popular New England bean. read more


ships year-round
Soldier - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Large white kidney bean with red-brown soldier-like figures on the eye. Popular New England bean. read more


ships year-round
Taylor Dwarf Horticultural
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (68 days shell) Open-pollinated. Heirloom shell bean is buff with red stripes. Also known as Speckled Bays. read more


ships year-round
Vermont Cranberry - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days shell, 95 days dry) Open-pollinated. Pods contain 5-6 speckled cranberry-colored beans. Reliable and hardy heirloom. read more


ships year-round
Vermont Cranberry Bean
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days shell, 95 days dry) Open-pollinated. Pods contain 5-6 speckled cranberry-colored beans. Reliable and hardy heirloom. read more


ships year-round
White Candle Gaucho - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean Seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. White bush bean with good yields and mild flavor. Pale sibling of golden Gaucho. read more
