(88 days) Open-pollinated. Those of you who prefer flint corn for food can now have it in blue and enjoy the health and healing benefits of the anthocyanins (antioxidants). Flint corn has a layer of hard starch on the outside which grinds up coarser and makes a somewhat grainer flour than the softer flour corn does. This grainier texture makes it better for grits, polenta, hominy and, arguably, for cornbread. When grown in wet climates, flint corn’s hard outer layer of starch can resist mold better than soft flour starch can.
This predominantly dark blue, 8-rowed flint corn grows very much like Painted Mountain Corn which is 50% of its ancestry. The other half of its ancestry comes from a composite of 20 of the fastest maturing New England flint corns. The short efficient native-type plants produce long, narrow 8-rowed ears which dry quickly in a short growing season. Fast maturity is one of the best tools for eluding climate disasters. And its diverse ancestry, an alleviator to the inbreeding of so many flint corns, will allow for further selection to adapt to where you live. 2022 Fedco introduction. Independent Breeder. ①