‘May Breeze’ Woodland Phlox

‘May Breeze’
Phlox divaricata May Breeze 0zz.jpg by David J. Stang is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

‘May Breeze’ Woodland Phlox

Phlox divaritica 2-15" tall. Loose clusters of cool pale bluish-white or white washed with blue florets. Selected in the Netherlands for its compactness, fragrance and refreshing color that makes you want to drink from the blossoms on a hot day. Z3. NEW! (2½" plug stock)
ships in spring

7714 ‘May Breeze’

A: 1 ea
B: 3 ea

Additional Information

Herbaceous Perennial Plants

When you receive your order, open the bags and check the stock immediately. Roots and crowns should be firm and pliable. Surface mold is harmless and will not affect the plant’s future performance. Store plants in their packaging in a cool (35–40°) location until you are ready to plant. If it’s going to be awhile, you can pot up your perennials.

Do not plant bare-root perennial plant crowns directly outdoors before danger of frost has passed. Wet and/or cold conditions for an extended period may cause rotting.

For more info:
About planting bare-root perennials