‘Frances Red’ Basket Willow


‘Frances Red’ Basket Willow

Salix purpurea 8-10'

We grew these plants from cuttings we got from basketmaker Johnny Suderman in Ontario. He describes the plant as having long non-branching purplish-red rods with blue-green leaves. When he soaks them for basketmaking, the stems turn “dark grey with some purple-red.” This is his favorite willow for baskets.

Once established, you can coppice it annually for a perpetual source of basketmaking material. Z4. (1-2') NEW!

ships in spring

7570 ‘Frances Red’ Basket Willow

A: 1 ea
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For more info:
About Willows

Small Trees and Shrubs

As Green’s Nursery catalog from 1904 explains, “There are many trees that by pruning can be made to resemble shrubs, and many shrubs that by different pruning may be made to produce medium-sized trees.”