Zea mays (100 days) Open-pollinated. Compact plant with one ear each. 4.5" dark maroon-black ears with 15 rows. 4' stalks.
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Japanese Hulless Popcorn
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Zea mays (72 days baby, 110 dry) Open-pollinated. For baby corn, harvest ears about five days after silks appear. Or grow to full size for popcorn. 5' plants each bear 3-6 4" ears with white kernels.
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Zea mays (102 days) Open-pollinated. Two 4-6" stocky ears per stalk. 8' plant with long dark green leaves. Delicious 1885 Pennsylvania Dutch heirloom.
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Zea mays (98 days) F-1 hybrid. Long thin ears with large kernels make light tender popcorn. 6' stalk.
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