Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Very large vigorous oakleaf lettuce with extra-frilled bright pink and bronze leaves. Withstands some heat. Start in early spring for an amazing show.
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Lactuca sativa (49 days) Open-pollinated. Compact butterhead with 12" mounded upright form. Pink and green rounded oakleaves are tender and buttery.
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Lactuca sativa (46 days) Open-pollinated. Very attractive oakleaf lettuce forms a green and bronze rosette. Very slow to bolt. Excellent in mesclun and for cut-and-come-again culture.
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Lactuca sativa (55 days) Open-pollinated. Dense oakheart heads range from mini to full to elf-eared. Variations in this gene pool range from deepest solid red to the heart, red spotting, speckling and blushing, to spotless green.
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Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Bright green leaf with deeply cut lobes, crowned in extra-extended narrow tips. Compact form, easy salad cutting or clean full-head presentation.
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Lactuca sativa (54 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful troutback/oakleaf cross, with rich lime-green oakleaves showing dark speckles. Excellent flavor and texture.
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Lactuca sativa (55 days) Open-pollinated. Upright sturdy 18" diameter bright green oakleaf lettuce with crisp juicy mild-flavored leaves. Tolerates some heat.
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Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Refined oakleaf that grows larger and stands longer than the original oakleaf without bolting or getting bitter. Mild-tasting light-green 8" rosettes.
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Lactuca sativa
(30 days baby, 45 days mature) Open-pollinated. This often imitated but never matched classic miniature oakleaf remains an industry... read more
(30 days baby, 45 days mature) Open-pollinated. This often imitated but never matched classic miniature oakleaf remains an industry... read more