Cucumis melo var. flexuosus (55 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. Specialty heirloom "snake melon" cuke. Curved coiled slender fruit with light and dark green stripes. Best eaten at 8-18".
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Cucumis sativus (62 days) Open-pollinated. Extra-long Asian slicer. Uniform slender smooth-skinned 9-12" fruit with crisp non-bitter flesh. Excellent flavor.
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Cucumis sativus (61 days) Open-pollinated. Extra-long Asian slicer. Up to 15" long. Trellis for straight fruit. Sets well in heat.
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Cucumis sativus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom performs in tunnels and outdoors. 10-14" slim Euro-type cuke with mild flavor; not bitter, few seeds. Trellis for straight fruits.
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