Standard Weight Roll. Sturdy dark brown paper provides a biodegradable mulch and weed barrier made from cellulose fibers. Porous enough to allow water penetration. Usually provides a season of weed suppression and soil-temperature moderation, although the rate of decomposition will depend on weather conditions and the degree of biological activity in the soil.
Perfect for giving competitive crops a protected start. Recommended for pumpkins, squash, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Not recommended for high-traffic areas or where reliable season-long protection is required.
Please note that, as of 2022, WeedGuardPlus is no longer OMRI-listed, due to 2 FDA-approved colorants that serve to make it 100% opaque material. Still, for those not pursuing certification, it is a great alternative to plastic mulch if you want to reduce your footprint or your end-of-season labor bill. 36" wide.
ships year-round
Additional Information
Organic Certification
Inoculants, soil amendments, fertilizers, livestock supplies and pesticides are labeled as: OMRI: Organic Materials Review Institute. Most state certifying agencies, including MOFGA, accept OMRI approval. MOFGA: Approved for use by Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association Certification Services. Check with your certifier. WSDA: Listed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Organic Certification division for use in organic agriculture in Washington State. MOFGA has indicated that they will accept products on this list for their certification program. Check with your certifier. Nat’l List: One-ingredient products on the NOP* List of Allowed Substances (subpart G of the Organic Foods Production Act, sections 205.601-606). Check with your certifier. AYC: Ask your certifier. Has not been reviewed by a certifier, but the active ingredient is allowed. Ask your certifier. Not Allowed: A few of the products we list are not allowed for organic production but we think they have a place in sensible agriculture and can be used when certification is not an issue.