We are working on making our website more mobile-friendly, however, Fedco specializes in information-dense tables, which don't always translate well on small screens! At this time, you'll need a screen that is at least 600 pixels wide in order to use the quick order page. If you are determined to do this on your phone, you may have success by turning it sideways to use landscape mode.

This form is for orders from the Fedco Organic Growers Supply catalog only (items 8000–9999).
Directions are at the bottom of the page.

This option is a convenience for our nerdier customers. If you build your seed order in a spreadsheet, this form allows you to copy and paste CSV formatted text which can then be processed on our Quick Order page as a batch. We cannot and will not provide help on how to format your spreadsheet (aside from the instructions provided below) so please don't call for help. If it works for you, great! If you can't get it to work or if any of the steps don't make sense, please use our regular Quick Order option.


  1. In Excel, OpenOffice, or a similar spreadsheet application, make a copy of your seed order spreadsheet.
  2. Arrange the columns of your copied sheet so that the item number, size and quantity columns are adjacent to each other and in that order.
  3. Now you can try to copy and paste your order:
    • Select those columns, copy them to the clipboard, then paste them from the clipboard into the text entry area to the left of these instructions.
    • Does that look OK? Is it just plain text with three values per line and a comma, tab or space(s) in between them? If so, skip step 4.
    • If it looks funny (i.e. not plain text), reload this page and try step 4 instead.
  4. If copy and paste didn't work, you'll have to convert to CSV:
    1. Delete all columns except the three for item number, size and quantity. (Including other columns will mess things up.)
    2. Save a copy of this sheet as "CSV" (Comma Separated Values) format.
    3. Open the CSV file in Notepad, TextEdit or another "text editor".
    4. Copy and paste the contents of the CSV file into the box on the left.
  5. Click "Submit", then proceed through the quick order form as usual. You will be able to review your items before adding them to your cart.

Required format (all of the following formats are accepted)
<item number>, <size>, <quantity>
<item number> TAB <size> TAB <quantity>
<item number> SPACE <size> SPACE <quantity>
  • if size is blank, it will default to A
  • if quantity is blank, it will default to 1
Example input:
Entering this ...
... is the same
as entering this:

Organic Growers Supply quick order directions.
This form is for ordering from the
Organic Growers Supply section of the catalog only (items 8000–9999).
Order from other divisions
  1. Log in using your e-mail address and ZIP Code.
  2. Enter your order. Include:
    • Item numbers
    • How many (Qty) you want.
    Or use our Bulk Entry option for those with orders already in a spreadsheet format.
  3. Check the “Total” and “Comments/Status” fields, particularly any in red. Any items with $0.00 “Total” will not be added to your order.
  4. You must click “Add These Items To My Order” to add items to your order. After this click, your cart's item count changes and the form clears; you may enter more items, if you so desire.
  5. Proceed to your cart when done. You will be able to view and edit your order during checkout.