This mix is perfect for no-till growers and gardeners who work with hand tools only. The species diversity offers many benefits to your soil, including massive organic matter production, nitrogen fixation, nutrient scavenging, erosion control, and multi-season weed suppression. Agronomists strongly recommend that garden soil be kept covered with plant residue or mulch throughout winter to best preserve fertility, texture and biology. Sow in late summer and next spring your soil will be nicely protected by a mat of dead dry plant matter, which will prevent weeds and buy you time as you get ready for planting. Consider transplanting your seedlings right through the ready-made mulch, or rake it into your paths. For maximum growth and soil-building, we recommend treating this seed mix with Myco Seed Treat and Field Pea Inoculant (to ensure freshness, seed treatments are sold separately).
Optimal seeding time for Zones 5/6 is early September, but it can be seeded as early as the beginning of August. Late September seeding can be done, but you will get suboptimal growth. Seed at a rate of 150–200#/acre, or 5#/1000 sq ft. Reliably winterkills in Zones 6 and colder. ① ② NEW!