ships year-round
Annual grass. Vigorous, competitive, adaptable cover crop or annual forage. Likes heat and high fertility. Grows best in warm weather when other grasses slow down. read more


ships year-round
Fescue, Tall - Organic
Grass - Farm Seed

Perennial grass. Long-lived, versatile and low-maintenance grass good for pasture, lawn, or hay. Deep and extensive root system protects against erosion. Tolerates most adverse conditions. read more


ships year-round
Millet, Japanese
Grass - Farm Seed

Annual grass. Vigorous and versatile! Good for hay, forage, weed-smothering, building soil, and controlling erosion. Tolerates waterlogged soils, low fertility and cool conditions. read more


ships year-round
Perennial grass. Long-lived vigorous grass. Tall leafy plants grow rapidly even in poor soils, tolerates moderately drained soils. Can be established in spring, summer, or even late winter. read more


ships year-round
Annual or winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy. Widely adaptable. Will establish quickly in cool wet spring weather, providing a dense cover crop and outcompeting weeds. Good erosion control. read more


ships year-round
Annual or winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy. Widely adaptable. Will establish quickly in cool wet spring weather, providing a dense cover crop and outcompeting weeds. Good erosion control. read more


ships year-round
Short-lived perennial grass. Extremely palatable forage grass, popular in grazing mixes. Germinates quickly and grows rapidly, suppressing weeds. Holds up under heavy traffic. Good pest resistance. read more


ships year-round
Timothy - Organic
Grass - Farm Seed

Perennial grass. A popular perennial hay species that produces good yields, resists lodging and is easily cut and cured. Very winter hardy. Does not tolerate heat or drought. read more


ships year-round
Winter Triticale - Organic
Grass - Farm Seed

currently on backorder, ETA 2/27
Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye, and boasts many advantages over plain winter rye. This variety was selected for winter hardiness and consistently high yields of both forage and seed yields. read more
