Drip Tape End


Drip Tape End

Each Drip Tape End seals a line of tape at the end of a row. To use: slide into drip tape and screw collar over tape. These ends are more finicky than the old style sleeve ends; be sure to make the cut on your drip tape perfectly square to help prevent leaks.
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9164 Drip Tape End

A:  EA
free shipping!
B:  package of 50

Additional Information

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation applies moisture where it is needed, at the plants’ roots, so it conserves water and does not cause mold problems. The drip method helps crops get over transplant shock and get established, and ensures adequate water supply until the rain comes. Also useful in greenhouses.

We recommend sketching your garden and proposed irrigation system before you order to ensure that you get all the pieces you need.

Click here for help in designing your own system.