Winter Aconite Eranthis


Winter Aconite Eranthis

Eranthis cilicica Bright buttercup-yellow flowers in very early spring, each with a frilly green collar which opens bronzy. Very similar to Eranthis hyemalis but just slightly earlier, and the leaves are less deeply dissected. Good naturalized under deciduous trees and shrubs; can spread by seed.

Prefers slightly alkaline, humusy moist soil in sun or dappled shade. Tolerant of frosts and late snow. Soak corms in tepid water for 8-12 hours before planting.

2–4" tall. Very Early Spring blooms, Z5-7, 4cm/up bulbs.

6495 Winter Aconite
Item Discounted
A: 10 for $7.00   
sold out
B: 50 for $29.00   
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C: 200 for $96.00   
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Additional Information

Novelties and Specialties

The Royal General Bulbgrowers Association in Holland (Koninklijke Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollencultuur, or KAVB) puts this large group of diverse flowers into a boring catch-all category: Miscellaneous Bulbs. The expensive catalogs call them accent bulbs; some call them minor or dwarf bulbs (even though some of the fritillaries are huge!); Louise Beebe Wilder covered most of them in her 1936 classic Adventures with Hardy Bulbs. Whatever you call them, most are sweet, colorful, and completely welcome in spring.