2–4" tall. Very Early Spring blooms, Z3-8. 6cm/up bulbs.
Species Crocus mix
Species Crocus mix
Additional Information
Spring Crocus
A classic for early spring color that also provides early food for bees. One of the most popular genera, they are welcome precursors of spring—colorful, long-lived, and easy to grow. Their waxy coat allows them to bloom even through a late snow. Flowers open wide in bright sun and close up at night and on grey days. Once established, crocus can spread by “cormlets” and seed in well-drained areas. Foliage of low-growing varieties fades before the grass needs mowing.
In his award-winning book The Holistic Orchard, Michael Phillips recommended planting crocus in the orchard to help attract and retain native orchard mason bees. Crocus provide a pollen source before the fruit trees bloom.