The most important commercial apple in Maine during the late19th century. Many thousands of bushels were shipped around the world and a great many Mainers made their modest fortunes from this apple. There has been ongoing confusion around its origin, but it seems the apple originated on the farm of Benjamin Davis of Minot, Maine, 180 years ago. If this is correct, it would be Maine’s most famous apple.
An orchardist’s dream tree: annually bearing, easy to grow, perfectly shaped. Large roundish-conic unbelievably beautiful red striped and blushed fruit. It may be the most beautiful apple that ever was.
If only beauty weren’t skin deep. The fruit is generally dry and tasteless. The flavor has been compared to cork and cardboard and is the butt of many jokes.
We offer it as a service to the Ben Davis die-hards of the world. Keeps all winter. Enjoy! Z4.
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