You are viewing all Organic Growers Supply products related to “Mixes.”

ships year-round
B&B Summer Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

A cover crop blend of 40% buckwheat, 40% BMR sorghum/sudangrass, and 20% Sunn Hemp for nitrogen fixation. Loves heat. First-rate smother crop and biomass builder formulated to reliably winter-kill. read more


ships year-round
Grass Seed: CR Lawn Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

All-purpose lawn blend for the Northeast. Good for a range of conditions, full sun to partial shade. Makes a great understory for orchards and other perennial woody crops. read more


ships year-round
Superb cover crop mix for fall planting where mechanical tillage is available the following spring. 78% winter rye and 22% hairy vetch. Adds nitrogen to the soil and suppresses weed growth. read more


ships year-round
Magic Carpet Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

Diverse multispecies clover-heavy mix is great as a soil-building living mulch under tall-growing competitive crops, like cannabis. Suitable in raised beds, containers and high tunnels. read more


ships year-round
With annuals and biennials, grasses and legumes and broadleafs, and roots of all shapes and sizes, this blend mimics natural diversity and encourages a flourishing and balanced microbial population. read more


ships year-round
Northern Growers’ Winterkill Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder, ETA 3/28
This mix offers organic matter production, nitrogen fixation, nutrient scavenging, erosion control, and weed suppression. Perfect for no-till growers and gardeners who work with hand tools only. read more


ships year-round
Pasture Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

Perennial pasture mix of grasses and clover, well suited to Maine and other areas with similarly variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing. read more


ships year-round
Pea/Oat Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
This dynamic cover crop duo has become a favorite of growers who value its vigorous growth and soil-building prowess, along with the assurance that it will winterkill up North. read more


ships year-round
A superior soil-building cover crop mix. The oats come up first and are pulled down by the peas, which are then pulled down by the smothering vetch. Weeds don’t stand a chance in that jungle! read more
