Tired of being hunched over with a trowel? Quickly plug in hundreds of flowerbulbs and plants for a naturalized look in your landscape! Also handy in established garden beds. Works with most corded and modern cordless drills. (Manufacturer recommends any corded drill, ⅜" or larger. For cordless, use a ½" drill with at least 18 volts of power.) There are lots of garden augers on the market, but we chose this one because it’s sturdy, made in the USA, and the end that you insert in the drill chuck is a continuation of the shaft (rather than a separate piece welded on, which tends to break off). Auger diameter 2¾"; overall length 24". NEW!
This item will ship
in October, when all
Fedco Bulbs items ship. If you need
this item sooner, please order it
from our OGS division.
Planting Auger
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